Profile: SGT Tony R.
Tony R.
U.S. Army
37F - Psychological Operations
Length of Service
4 years
Did you deploy? If yes, where and in support of which operation.
Yes, 2 tours in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom
What led you to join the military?
I come from a family with several veterans and became interested because of my father. 9/11 also played a big factor in why I joined.
What is the single most important lesson you’ve learned while serving?
I learned that no matter how tired or stressed I am, both mentally and physically, I can push through it and overcome.
What is your most memorable moment or time during your service? Why?
I'd have to say jumping out of an aircraft for the first time really sticks in my mind. It was the most exciting and terrifying thing I had ever done.
How has the military helped you grow personally and professionally?
The military built my confidence, helped me to multitask, and think outside of the box. It helped me learn to work as a team, but also be self-sufficient.
If you could tell the world anything you want, what would you say? Why?
There is a lot more going on in the world than you know. Just realize how lucky you have it living in America, whereas there are people living in extreme poverty in warlike condition.
What’s the dumbest / most cliche thing you’ve heard someone say in the military?
"Full battle-rattle"
Is there anything else you’d like to add that wasn’t previously covered?
Iraq is the sweaty asshole of the world.
If you could go back in time and talk with yourself before you joined, what would you say? Why?
Get ready to deal with some serious idiots... Have lots of patience.
If you could tell the average civilian one thing, what would it be? Why?
Respect your veterans. They've seen and done things for our country that you wouldn't believe. They volunteered to put their bodies and minds through extreme stress and deploy to some terrible places in the world out of love for our country.
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