022: Keith Dow
In this episode of the Combat Flags Podcast I talk with Keith Dow. Keith is a proud father and a born New Englander, who has been writing ever since he could hold a pen. He spent 5 years on active duty in the US Army before being honorably discharged in 2013. He is currently completing his MSW and engages in a variety of advocacy and educational efforts to help veterans.
Dead Reckoning Collective is a veteran owned and operated publishing company. Their mission encourages literacy as a component of a positive lifestyle. Although DRC only publishes the written work of military veterans, the intention of closing the divide between civilians and veterans is held in the highest regard. By sharing these stories it is their hope that they can help to clarify how veterans should be viewed by the public and how veterans should view themselves.
In the podcast we discuss Keith’s upcoming collection of poems - Karmic Purgatory. If you’re interested, you can preorder the collection here: https://deadreckoningco.com/collections/books/products/book-karmic-purgatory
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