027: Cokie
In this episode of the Combat Flags Podcast I talk with published author and poet, Cokie. Cokie, in his own words, is a vituperative redneck who spent his formative years in a seminary, then performed the obvious transition to military service. After doing bang bang things for pew pew people, he picked up a pen and discovered that it was significantly more convenient than the sword (at least regarding his wardrobe). Despite (or perhaps because of) multiple blows to the head, Cokie continues to use the Oxford comma. He lives in the midwest with his beautiful wife and children where he contemplates service to God and the absurdity of braille road signs.
You can find him on instagram at @cokie_actual
And you can find his collection of poems, “Where They Meet,” here: https://deadreckoningco.com/collections/books/products/book-where-they-meet
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